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Welcome to Little School

The Little School at Kent School is located in Chestertown on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. Kent School’s Little School, established as a licensed Early Childhood Education Center, is designed to serve the comprehensive needs of three and four year old children participating in a half-day or full day program, for 3, 4 or 5 days per week.

Your child’s joyful educational journey begins in Little School where our students learn through play in a bright, engaging environment with nurturing, supportive teachers. There is dedicated space for three year old students and four year old students with corresponding curriculum, activities and materials for both age groups.

We strive to serve each child’s needs in four key areas:

  • Social and Emotional Development
  • Language and Communication
  • Problem Solving
  • Educational Development

Little School teachers create an atmosphere that allows children to express themselves while developing in each of the areas noted above. We recognize that each child is unique. The School’s warm social atmosphere encourages each child’s growth in responsibility and self-discipline.
The faculty encourages family involvement in the program so that each child feels a close bond between home and school.


In Little School we strive to have all students:

  • Make a successful transition from home to school
  • Build positive relationships with other children and adults
  • Develop a strong and positive sense of self
  • Foster a love of literacy
  • Stimulate curiosity and creativity
  • Become thinkers and problem-solvers
  • Express himself/herself freely and imaginatively
  • Be aware of safety and the physical environment
  • Experience hands-on, meaningful learning
  • Become increasingly responsible and independent
  • Be well-prepared for success in kindergarten

Our Staff

Little School teachers work hard to create an atmosphere that allows children to express themselves while developing their maximum potential. We recognize that each child is unique, and all children are respected for their differences. The same performance and behavior is not expected of any two children. The School’s warm social atmosphere encourages each child’s growth in responsibility and self-discipline. The faculty encourages family involvement in the program so that each child feels a close bond between home and school.

By design, the program is multi-age to cater to the growth of every child in each of our goal areas. Preschool children typically develop at varying speeds which could mean a four year old is on a similar level as a three year old socially and a three year old may be better paired with a four year old for a writing task. This approach provides an environment for every child to develop at their own pace without directly comparing themselves to their own age group.