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Exploring Language and Culture

Whether composing songs to remember conjugation charts or producing music videos and television shows, students at Kent School see, hear, move and think in Spanish. The middle school experience encompasses cultural elements and a solid foundation of the language. Many of our students place out of Spanish I when they enter secondary school. Active learning contributes to our success.

By Grade Level:

List of 4 items.

  • Fifth Grade

    “Travels” the world, visiting the many Spanish-speaking countries. Through research, presentations, games and creative projects, the class acquires new information about the language and the culture.

    Combining cultural elements and basic language skills, the class develops a better understanding of the diverse lifestyles and varying customs of the Hispanic countries.
  • Sixth Grade

    Begins the structured curriculum of a first-year high school course. The total immersion approach challenges the students to think and communicate in the target language. Students learn to conjugate verbs, utilize vocabulary learned in past years, and construct entire conversations and responses.
  • Seventh Grade

    Continues to build on the foundation set in the previous year. Learning more complex concepts, mastering the present tense, and improving oral competency are the major goals for the year. Interactive projects and oral discussions allow the students ample opportunity to practice the target language on a daily basis.
  • Eighth Grade

    By the end of the Eighth Grade, the class has completed the curriculum requirements of a Spanish I course. The students master the preterit tense and examine the many nuances in the language. In addition to formal assessments, the class proves their mastery of the material by creating music videos, newscasts and other media projects